Stay motivated during quarantine


The second wave is here and I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been in a roller coaster here. One day I’m in a really good mood, ready to conquer the world with one hand. Others, I’m just not in the mood for anything.

The truth is that we are all dealing with this the best we can, and there’s nothing wrong with having those days where you just lay the whole day watching Netflix. But, if you are like me, at the end of the day you just feel bad because you accomplished nothing!

So, I thought I’d share a few things that helped me out to bring some motivation back to my life. 

  • I started by writing down 3-5 things I wanted to do during the day. Stuff like going for a walk or bake something new. It was not easy to fulfill them all at the beginning, but after a couple of days, I realized that I was going to bed feeling better with myself.
  • At some point, I read and heard multiple people saying that if you are working from home, you should separate your work from your personal life. I really was very comfortable working in my PJs, but when I start waking up on time to get dressed and have some breakfast before my workday started I felt so much different and kind of prepared. I took my breaks for coffee and avoided doing personal chores during working hours.  
  • Exercise. You don’t need to go to a gym nor set up a draining routine. For me, going out for a walk or doing a small workout routine at home made a huge difference. 
  • Eat healthier. Who doesn’t need comfort food during uncertain times? I was relying too much on food that, at the end of the day, just made me feel worst with myself. So, I stopped going into the pantry every 5 minutes and started having better eating habits.
  • Make more “me” time. Disconnect at the end of the day. Read a book, learn to meditate, paint, watch your favorite show. Add some joy and peace of mind to your life. Take care of your mental health.
  • Stay connected. No, I’m not trying to contradict myself. You do need to disconnect yourself, but it’s as important as to take time to interact with others. Luckily, technology nowadays allows us to stay social while remaining physically distant from one another. Send a text to a friend, call your family, allow some time for the important people in your life, not only for you, but for them. You never know how hard this situation is affecting others. 

  • I committed to my Sunday routine, that way I can have control over some aspects of my life. 

    Give yourself some credit, take it one day at a time.

    It’s okay to give up and feel negative sometimes. But remember, that it won’t rain forever.

    Get a blanket, grab some ice cream (or hot chocolate) and put on a movie marathon. 

    Take a break.  Be kind to yourself! 

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    1. Wendy says:

      Begin each week or each day by writing a list of tasks that you’d like to get done. Whether you do this on a Google doc, online organisational platform or old fashioned pen and paper, it will help you manage your time, and motivate you to complete your list of tasks. Plus, you can cross them off as you finish them, and then look back and see what you’ve achieved. Read more: how to stay motivated working from home